Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Make It Happen 2012!

The new year brings about the perfect time to reflect on the past, and decide what changes need to be made. Here are the three main things I want to change to improve for the new year!

You must list the three things you want to change, how you will make this happen and what you hope the outcome will be as a result of your efforts. 

1. Get a Job: During the fall semester I was very busy after school with volleyball, however now I get out of school at 1:30 so I would like to spend my extra time making money to save up for college. I have started applying for jobs at certain places like The Children's Courtyard and Fitness 2000. The outcome of my results will be me landing a job and the beginning of the growth of my bank account!

2. Have a Positive Outlook: I want to have a more positive outlook on every situation I am faced with during this new year, even when I am overwhelmed. I will be disciplined with myself, and when I feel my frustrations and stress rising, I will turn to God in prayer. This will result in a more peaceful and joyful me!

3. Live in the Present: I want to enjoy the present situations that are to come this year, like all of the senior activities and new college experiences. I am going to focus on not wishing the rest of my senior year away, but rather just enjoy every minute because I know I will never be able to go back. This will result in me having no regrets and lots of wonderful memories to look back on!

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