Thursday, September 15, 2011


Responsibility is one of the core values that is stressed in BISD. As you get older, you gain more and more responsibility. Your parents gradually start letting go, and you as an individual have to take responsibility for your own actions. A part of responsibility that is often times overlooked is standing up for others. When you see someone slip in fall or embarrass themselves, it is not right to join in with others and laugh at them. Instead, you should comfort them and stand up against everyone else that will just sit back and laugh. This will make the embarrassed person feel so much more loved, and who knows, it could start a chain reaction of kindness. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to take actions for ourselves and stand up for others.

-inspired by the video on this wiki

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Technology in Schools

This info graphic really displays the change in technology over time as it pertains to teaching. It shows the evolution from older technology (overhead projectors, VCR players, tape recorders, etc.) and newer technology (graphing calculators, smart phones, laptops, etc.). Many schools do not have enough funds to replace all the old technology, so classrooms have a mix between the old and the new. This could be a potential problem because new technology like social media and educational apps have proved very effective as opposed to the outdated technology.

-inspired by this infographic

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Becoming "Socially Smart"

       During this day and age, social networking has taken over most people's, especially teens', lives. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, and many other online communication websites allow millions of people to search, follow, and friend others. While these tools can be very beneficial, they can also cause a lot of problems for the socially uneducated. Particularly, socially uneducated teens are putting comments, photos, and videos on the world wide web that can be detrimental to their reputation. They are not even considering the harmful effects that could happen if the wrong person saw these personal postings. Whether it be a sexual predator or a future employer, anyone can see the information you put online, even from years past. Your sexy dancing video or comments on being wasted the weekend before can be seen by anyone. Most teens are oblivious to this concept, or choose to ignore it, when they should be doing quite the opposite. Teens need to take caution now before it's too late, and sensor what they put on the Internet for everyone to see.

P.S. A person's reputation is what determines their future. Any future employer, friend, or spouse will judge you based on what they have heard about you or what they have researched about you. When someone's reputation is ruined it is extremely difficult to reverse. I knew a girl who sent naked pictures of herself to a guy, and eventually they got around the school. This incident completely ruined her reputation, and although she said she was sorry and never made any more poor choices, everyone always remembered the mishaps and her reputation could not be repaired. Now, this sad situation is only something that others can learn about in order for them to not make the same poor choice.

-inspired by this article