Friday, April 20, 2012

Smart Technology

I am currently interning in a first grade class and technology is very beneficial to incorporate into lesson plans. All the new advances in technology such as smart boards, slates, and iPads have drastically changed the course of teaching.

I could implement iPads into my classroom so my first graders could use eduational apps for their enrichment. Here is a link to the Education page of apps that iTunes offers. Two free apps that I have found are Animal Fun and Kids Math Fun-Kindergarden. Animal Fun shows pictures and makes sounds of animals, as well as tells some fun facts about them. My first graders have been learning about turtles and frogs so this could be helpful. Math Fun-Kindergarden is an app that allows the students to practice their math facts in a fun way.

I could also use a Smartboard in my classroom to teach a lesson. This website has really helpful already created lesson plans and activities that you can use on a smart board for your first grade class. I found one lesson in particular that I could use in my classroom to help me teach fractions. Here is a link to the file that you can download online.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Financial Literacy Can Pay Off

On my years in school, there were definitely subjects that could have been taught in a more relevant way. For example, in math class we often have homework assignments that simply have you solve differentiable equations over and over. This seems tedious and irrelevant. However, if we had a couple of real world word problems, this would be more practical and relevant to life situations.

Throughout my school years, I have taken many subjects that are useful to me. One of these was my English III Rhetoric class. This class taught me how to be persuasive in my writing and speaking, which will greatly benefit me in life. Another class was BCIS, because I learned how to be a professional in Microsoft Word and Excel. I will be able to use this information in all my future classes, and my future profession. A subject that I will our school offered is personal financing. This would have taught me how to manage money and deal with my taxes and retirement. Another class that would have been beneficial to me is home economics. This would have taught me the basics on how to run a home, which I will need in a few years when I have my first house.

Even though I never took a personal finance class, I still feel relatively comfortable about my ability to manage money and finances. My parents have always provided for me, but they have also taught me responsibility by making me pay for my wants. I have babysat throughout high school and kept a budget so I made sure I had enough money for my expenses such as fast food, clothes, movies, etc.

With this being said, if I had been taught a financial literacy curriculum in school I would feel better about my financial future. I hadn't really been aware of how much college tuition, mortgages, or car payments were until recently. A class that provides exposure to these real world expenses would have prepared me for college and adulthood a lot better.

-inspired by this article